The IRMA project

Innovative Fire-Resistant Material for the Construction Sector

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The IRMA Misson

The mission of IRMA project is the market introduction of an innovative, competitive and sustainable fire resistant material that is aimed at being primarily applied as core material in fire resistant doors, but also as fire resistant material for building parts that require fire protection.

The IRMA Objective

1. To produce a prototype of an innovative fire resistant material in pilot scale and demonstrate it in real case application of fire resistant doors.

2. To promote and boost awareness of stakeholders for the new fire resistant material, its improved performance and its applications .

3. To assess the impact related to its economic viability and identifying the
appropriate strategy and business models for market penetration.

4. To obtain and defend the concerned patents and
intellectual property rights, making it attractive to enter the local and the international market.

5. To create the right
environment to establish potential commercial cooperation and open up potential export markets.


Latest News

kick-off meeting

IRMA project has been officially launched! The kick-off meeting was held on the 4th of April 2021.

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The IRMA project is funded under the Research and Innovation Foundation Programmes for Research, Technological Development and Innovation “RESTART 2016 – 2020” (SEED/0719/170)